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Constitution Elementary School
Home of the Eagles!

Mrs. Jenkins

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Welcome!  Are you ready to collect gems in all sorts of shapes, sizes and colors?  In our ELA class, our motto is,  "We are Family" or, as the Hawaiians would say,  "Ohana!"

Kākoʻo mākou kekahi i kekahi or, "We support each other!"

As Constitution students, let's make sure we live up to the best that is within us!  
As we explore the world, culture and customs around us, let's promise to make room for mistakes,
take responsibility for our part and realize the potential within us!

 Have you read The Giving Tree ?  We will be analyzing this story in class.  What message do you think is the most important from this book?

The Giving Tree


We will be discussing some lessons that can be learned through the concepts in this story.  Be prepared to give us your thoughts!  

Learning to see what is happening around you and the impact you make on others can result in MAGIC!  Are you ready to make the magic happen?  This year is going to be dynamic!  


More About Our Class
