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Constitution Elementary School
Home of the Eagles!

First Grade

first grade graphic
picture of first grade teachers

What an adventure your first grader has in front of them!  Now that your child knows all his/her letters and sounds and are reading simple sentences, they will progress to reading more and more sight words, complex sentences and stories. They will be able to tell you all about the fiction and nonfiction stories we read in class and will think deeply about the characters, setting, plot and ideas. Ask them about the stories they are reading and the skills they are learning in our Reader's Workshop!

In addition, students will be doing lots of writing and will share their ideas and writing with the rest of class. Not only will they be writing narratives and informative pieces, students will also be doing research. Watch for their finished products in publication form.

First graders will be adding, subtracting, and reasoning through math word problems. They will also work on measurement and geometry. First graders will participate in RTI, so that they can brush up on skills with their peers in small groups. Throughout the day, the students will have the opportunity to work independently, as a whole group, and in small groups.

At Constitution, we use the behavior program "BoysTown" to allow students the opportunity to learn new skills that build relationships with peers and adults, communication techniques, and self-regulation. We focus on key skills including following instructions, staying on task, and listening. These skills being taught and practiced are meant to last throughout your child's education and beyond. 

We are sure you saw your child grow so much in kindergarten.  We can't wait until you see more growth this year.  We are looking forward to a great year!

Look for specific information to be sent on Class Dojo by the classroom teacher.