Fourth Grade
We are greatly looking forward to an exciting year of learning with you! Our classrooms provide opportunities to learn, grow, and expand your knowledge in a positive learning environment.
- Math: multiplication, division, decimals, fractions, geometry, data, algebra, patterns, and problem solving.
- Science: weather, magnetism, landforms, water, and scientific inquiry
- Social Studies: using research skills, American history, Arizona history, government, and economics
- Reading: focus is on narrative elements, cause and effect, summarizing, drawing conclusions, main ideas and details, sequence, elements of nonfiction and other reading skills
- Writing: the writing process with emphasis on opinion and informative writing pieces.
Our goal is to build a partnership not only with your children, but with you too. We believe that a great home-school connection makes for a successful school year for all students. We also welcome you to volunteer in the classroom or on potential field trips throughout the school year. If interested, you can ask for more information from the office or your child's homeroom teacher. Together, we will SOAR through fourth grade!!!
We look forward to working with both you and your student!
-The 4th grade team