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Constitution Elementary School
Home of the Eagles!

Gifted Testing Protocols

Gifted Testing 
Testing is done three times during the school year; Fall, Winter and Spring. There is also testing over the summer if a parent chooses to pay for it.
The Winter testing window is January - February. Parents are notified in March after all tests are scored. Services begin after the 'Permission to Place forms are returned.  
The Spring testing window is April - May. Parents are notified just before school is dismissed for the year. Services begin the following year, if the 'Permission to Place' form is signed and returned.
Notices are sent home via dojo and posted on the school's marquee in the front parking lot letting parents know when the next testing dates are.
The procedure to get your child tested is that parents must do the sign up, but teachers do make suggestions.
The CogAt test can only be administered once a calendar year. For example, if your child doesn't pass the test in February, they cannot try again until the following February.
Additionally, we strongly encourage students to test in the Winter vs the Fall, as they tend to do better and will begin getting services right away.
