We are so happy to have your child in kindergarten this year! You are going to see AMAZING growth in your child this year! Kindergarten will focus on many phonics, reading, writing, and math skills.
Reading: In reading your child will learn all about the alphabet, phonemic skills, and will start segmenting and reading CVC words. They will be able to write and identify all letters and sounds. They will learn how to write simple sentences and cvc words.
Math: In math your child will be learning how to count from 1-20, identify and write their numbers 1-20, identify shapes and attributes, and solve addition and subtraction equations within 10.
Science/Social Studies: In science and social studies your child will learn all about weather and weather patterns, state of Arizona symbols, and will be introduced to our nations history.
We are excited about taking your children on their journey through reading, writing, spelling, math, science, and social studies. We are looking forward to a great year!