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Constitution Elementary School
Home of the Eagles!

Reading Specialists



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Constitution has 3 reading specialists. The reading team focuses on increasing literacy by supporting students, parents and teachers. Reading specialists utilize data to guide instruction to meet the needs of all students. They provide support by working with students in small groups, co-teaching, providing professional development for teachers, and serving as a source of information for parents. 

Currently we are using SIPPS (Systematic Instruction in Phonological Awareness, Phonics, and Sight Words) for grades Kindergarten - Third. It is a research-based decoding intervention program proven to help new and struggling readers in grades (K-12) build skills and confidence for fluent and independent readers.

The SIPPS program provides a structured literacy approach to foundational skills instruction through explicit instructional routines focused on phonological awareness, spelling-sounds, and sight words.

Our older students 4th - 6th grade use the Elevate Program. The Reading Horizons Elevate ® program helps older learners fill these gaps with assessment-driven explicit phonics instruction based on the principles of reading science. 

