Second Grade
The second grade team is excited to work with you as a team on your child’s education this year. We will do our best to keep families informed about exactly how their child is performing against grade level standards and what we can do within our new partnership so that every child will achieve those goals.
This year, in second grade, a few of the things we will be working on in reading are asking and answering questions like who, what, where, when, why and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text, understanding fiction and nonfiction text and describing how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges. In math we will be working on memorizing addition and subtraction facts to 20, counting, reading, writing and comparing numbers to 1000, adding and subtracting two and three digit numbers with and without regrouping, telling time and working with money.
Please encourage your child to read at home at least 20 minutes a night and practice their sight words and math facts. Remember, when your child reads them 20 minutes a night, it should be logged into your child’s Reading Log. This practice is all about how students can improve and enhance their reading skills as well as acquire a greater appreciation for reading as a source of pleasure, knowledge and information.
We are looking forward to a great school year! To insure that we accomplish our daily learning goals, the Constitution Second Grade Team, in conjunction with the school wide discipline program, will be using Boystown and our SOAR school wide expectations based on student accountability. These classroom management systems focus on each student learning to be responsible for their own actions in order to create a positive learning environment for themselves and their peers.
We are looking forward to a grade level that will SOAR! Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns!