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Constitution Elementary School
Home of the Eagles!

Third Grade


3rd grade picture

Welcome to third grade! We are so excited to get know everyone! Third grade is a big year because we have a lot of learning to do! 

This year in math, we will be learning all about multiplication, division, fractions, area and perimeter. In reading, we will be learning about summarizing, main ideas, theme, text features, text structures, and using text evidence to support our answers. In writing this year, we will be learning how to write multi-paragraph opinion and informative essays using evidence from our sources. 

Some ways to help your student at home is to have them practice their multiplication and division facts. They can create flashcards and multiplication charts to help them with their fluency. It is always helpful to have your child read for 20 minutes every night. Students can log in to DreamBox or Zearn at home to review their math skills.  These websites are great resources because they are personalized for each student to meet their needs based on their strengths and weaknesses. 

To ensure that all students are able to learn, we will be implementing the Boy's Town management system. This system is based on teaching students the social skills that they need to be successful at school and in life. All of our third grade teachers use Class Dojo for communication. This is a great website where you can check in on your students daily classroom behavior, communicate with all of our teachers, and get updates about what is going on here at school.

We are looking forward to an exciting year of learning and growth