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Constitution Elementary School
Home of the Eagles!

Counselor Corner

Counseling Corner – Students – Gardena Senior High School

Welcome to Ms. Kim’s Counseling Corner

My name is Kim Watson, Ms. Kim to everyone. I have been a school counselor for grade levels K-12 for the past 34 years. Prior to becoming a counselor I was a classroom teacher for 14 years, again, reaching across grade levels. I am happy to say I have been part of Constitution Elementary for the past 10 years and it is “home” to me.

I spend my time teaching classroom lessons about “GPS” (Great People Skills) like, growth mindset, resilience, conflict resolution, empathy, and gratitude to name a few. I also work with small groups and individual on strategies to help with school success.

Some parent and family friendly resources are:

Kindness 101 with Steve Hartman

Big Life Journal, has free parenting tips

Mindfulmazing, also has free parent tips

A Fine Parent, has free parenting tips and classes

Feel free to contact me with any concerns you may have about your students. I am here to serve ALL of Constitution Elementary students and families.

