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Constitution Elementary School
Home of the Eagles!

Health Office


Welcome to the Constitution Health Center!


Please note that student vision and hearing screening may be done throughout the school year and parent/guardians will be notified with a referral letter if further follow-up is needed.



These are all reasons to NOT be present at school:

- Vomiting

- Diarrhea

- Fever greater than 100

- Lice

- Any communicable disease
All symptoms must be gone for 24 hours without taking medication to be considered clear to return to school. Sometimes it is required to have a doctor’s note to be clear to return to school. With most infections, it is okay to return to school as long as a child has been on antibiotics for a full 24 hours and they are comfortable enough to be productive in school. Our school district has a “No Nit Policy” pertaining to lice, which means there can be no eggs present on a student’s head in order for them to return to school.

If a student becomes ill at school, there must be a responsible adult available to pick up the child. Please have a back-up plan if you (the parent/guardian) are not available and reachable by phone.

Medication Policy

All medication (prescription or over the counter) is furnished by the parent/guardian and brought to the nurse by an adult.

  • If it is a prescription, it is in its' original pharmacy bottle (pharmacies will provide a second container specifically for school), labeled with the child’s name, prescription number, and identification of medication.
  • If it is an over-the-counter medication, it is in its original container also and has been labeled legibly with the child’s name.
  • The specific directions for administration such as, date, time and the amount to be given (for any of these items) must be entered onto the consent for administration form and signed by the parent/guardian AND there's an additional form that needs to be signed by the prescribing doctor or health care professional.
  • School district personnel will not be responsible or liable for any reaction to medicines given according to those directions.
  • All medication will be kept in a locked cabinet in the health office and dispensed from there.
  • In the Deer Valley School District, Tums, cough drops and ointments/creams such as Neosporin, are considered medications and need to be kept in the nurse’s office also with a consent form signed.
  • It is the parent's responsibility to monitor medication supply and provide additional medication when needed.

Year round medications not picked up within 1 day of the end of the school year, will be destroyed if not picked up by an adult.

If these district wide rules are not followed, your child/student may be subject to Drug Paraphernalia Possession consequences.


Thank You, 

Nurse Sally
